Take advantage of our service for vessel registration and information on water levels. You can also find information here on a loading and unloading point for your car, the bilge oil disposal vessel, and available commercial property.
Vessel registration
The port of Trier is located at the river Moselle’s 184 kilometre mark. The terminal possesses a quay length of 900 metres, a crane with a lifting capacity of up to 50 tons, a heavy-duty crane with a lifting capacity of 120 tons and a storage and transloading area of 50,000 m².
Contact your transloading company, which will provide you with further information.
Contact information for Stefan Jakobi, port master: Tel. +49 (0)170 3416277 jakobi@hafen-trier.de
Water levels on the Moselle
Water levels and forecasts by the German Federal Waterways and Shipping Administration at flood markers relevant to shipping, updated daily, can be viewed here.
Car loading and unloading point
Skippers can safely transfer their cars ashore or back on board by means of their vessel’s own crane. The nearest bus stop for the bus to Trier is only a few minutes’ walk away. Please contact the port master should you wish to take advantage of this service.
Bilge oil disposal vessel and waste disposal
Bilge oil disposal vessel 8 calls at the Port of Trier at regular intervals to dispose of your oil waste.
Contact information for the waste disposal company: Tel. +49 (0)170 8130608
Further information can be found at:
Location finder for commercial properties
Use the online location finder of the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz (investment and development bank of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, ISB) to find suitable commercial property for your company – quickly and conveniently.
To the location finder
Conference room
Hold your conference in a maritime ambience:
Hire our “Port Info Center” event room for your workshop, meeting, conference or other event. The conference room’s technical equipment can also be placed at your disposal. Please contact Mr Wagner for further information.
Contact information for Mr Wagner: Tel. +49 (0)651 96804-32 wagner@hafen-trier.de
The Multimodal Terminal Trier is a powerful hub for Europe’s goods and freight traffic, and is constantly expanding its range of cost-efficient and sustainable services for intermodal transport.
On the following pages you will find key information concerning the safety of our employees, business associates and visitors, recent images from our webcam, and full details of guided tours of the port.
Locating your business at the Port of Trier enables you to benefit from superb transport links and a wide range of services. Find out more about the offices, warehouses and plots available at the site.
An overview of the companies located in the commercial and industrial zone of the Port of Trier can be found here. These include the port companies that are at your service for your transport and logistics needs.
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Trierer Hafengesellschaft, we invited 16 artists from the region and abroad to interpret their local ports through photography, installation art, painting, video art, sound art, graffiti art and graphic art.
The decision is taken at European level to canalize the Moselle into a waterway.
Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany, France and Luxembourg to make the Moselle navigable for 1,500-ton vessels.
The planning association of the Trier valley produces a site assessment for construction of the public port.
The Trier district assembly approves the commercial port project in Trier-Pfalzel.
Founding of the Trierer Hafengesellschaft mbH (Trier port company). The company is administered jointly by the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the city of Trier, the district of Trier and the municipal authorities of Ehrang and Pfalzel.
Foundation of “TRILAG” – Trierer Umschlags- und Lagerhausgesellschaft mbH (Trier transloading and warehouse company), now Schenker.
Establishment of the special-purpose association for business development in the Port of Trier zone.
Ground-breaking ceremony in Trier for construction of the port.
Recognition of the port as an intervention and trading site for cereals and animal feed.
Opening of the Moselle to inland waterway shipping.
Zettelmayer, subsequently Pfalz-Mosel-Mischwerke GmbH & Co. KG and now Basalt AG, establishes a presence at the site.
Trier industrial port opens after a construction period of only two years.
The motor vessel Wilhelm Droste enters the Port of Trier with a cargo of gravel, the first commercial transloading operation in the port.
The law governing the German federal and regional governments’ joint scheme for improving regional economic structures comes into force.
Mineral oil company Boger establishes an oil refinery on the site. The refinery is now managed by VARO Energy.
Michelin Reifenwerke AG and the Moselle steelworks both establish a presence on the site.
Mead Verpackung GmbH, now WESTROCK, establishes a presence on the site.
A scrap and metal processing company establishes a presence on the site.
The scrap and metal processing business is taken over by Theo Steil GmbH.
Extension of the B53 highway with the Port of Trier section.
Vanck establishes a presence on the site.
A transloading volume of around 980,000 tons is reached, the best result ever up to this point.
Launch of construction of the Trier freight transport centre.
Establishment of the Trierer Container Terminal GmbH (Trier container terminal company).
Opening of the trimodal container terminal.
AVK, now Eu-Rec plast GmbH, establishes a presence on the site.
Steil erects the shredder plant.
Luxport S.A. becomes a shareholder in Trierer Container Terminal GmbH.
The port company celebrates its 40th anniversary.
Enlargement of the port basin – establishment of a new transloading point.
The port company enters the real estate business, leasing logistics properties to customers. At around 1,085,000 tons, waterside transloading passes the million-ton mark for the first time.
Start of expansion of the west quay and the additional 22,000 square metres of cargo handling area.
Completion of the first new lock chamber in Zeltingen.
Completion of the cargo handling area and the west quay. The port company celebrates its fiftieth birthday.
50th anniversary of the Moselle inland waterway.
Launch of the Am Zehnhoff-Söns (AZS) terminal operator with the multimodal terminal at the Port of Trier.
First container train link from the Port of Trier to Rotterdam.
First container train link from the port of Trier to Antwerp.
The Port of Trier celebrates its 55th anniversary.“Strong economy, strong port”
60th anniversary of Trierer Hafengesellschaft mbH, 16 national and international artists interpret their home ports, art exhibition in cooperation with Europäischen Kunstakademie, Trier
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