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20.–22. Oktober 2021 | Berlin

A fundamental idea behind the International Supply Chain Conference, initiated by Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL), is and was to disseminate publicly logistics knowledge of experts to the general public. From the start, establishing a platform for making business contacts and initiating business deals played an important role. At no other event in Germany the “logistics market” is as within reach as at this conference. Since 1985 it is also accompanied by a trade exhibition and the number of stands has increased tenfold from 20 to around 200. Furthermore, a multiplicity of meeting points and corporate lounges usually enriches the possibilities to do and see.

Today the International Supply Chain Conference is the most important annual logistics event in Europe. It became the central meeting point for managers in Germany. Additionally, more and more international guests join the event in order to benefit from knowledge sharing and focused communication.

“Chancen nutzen – Adapt to lead” – BVL is planning a 2-phase congress
Going into the future with strength, breaking new ground and taking advantage of opportunities is the best recipe in times of crisis and uncertainty. Seizing opportunities – Adapt to Lead is therefore the guiding principle of the Supply Chain Conference in Berlin 2021.

In the first phase, BVL is planning the conference as a secure and high-quality digital event. At the same time, preparations are being made for a face-to-face part of the conference. The decision on the concrete implementation of an analog network event is depending on terms of infection, the vaccination situation and state regulations. You will find the relevant information at the BVL Website from June onwards.

Further information

For press information, images and media resources please get in touch with:

Ramona Lerch, Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit am Hafen Trier

Tel. +49 (0)151 29178809
Fax: +49 (0)651 96804-40